All for God’s Glory
Have you ever tried to describe a place you have never visited? Have you ever tried to explain the taste of something you have never eaten? As Christians, our ultimate purpose on earth is to bring…

Stronger Together
In 1 Corinthians, Paul compares the early church to a physical body. One analogy that he uses is that of an eye and a hand; the eye cannot tell the hand “I don’t need you.” The eye…

Come Home: A Follow-up on Church Dropouts
There’re many old sayings about home: “Home is where the heart is,” and “Home sweet home” are two well-known clichés. However, just as “family” does not simply indicate people to whom you have a blood relation,…

To the Rescue
It’s a bright, sunny day. You’re at the beach – perhaps playing some volleyball with friends, building a sandcastle with your daughter, or jumping in the waves with your spouse. Suddenly, from out deep in the water,…