Globale Perspektiven an Glaubensüberzeugungen

Die 28 Glaubensüberzeugungen nehmen in der Adventgemeinde einen besonderen Stellenwert ein. „Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten anerkennen allein die Bibel als Richtschnur ihres Glaubens und betrachten die folgenden Glaubensüberzeugungen als grundlegende Lehren der Heiligen Schrift. Diese Glaubensaussagen stellen dar, wie die Gemeinde die biblische Lehre versteht und bezeugt.“ [1] Doch wie nehmen die Gemeindemitglieder weltweit diese Überzeugungen wahr? Und vertrauen sie darauf, dass diese Überzeugungen den Charakter eines liebenden, gnädigen Gottes widerspiegeln?

Die biblische Grundlage des adventistischen Glaubens

In der Globalen gemeindemitgliederumfrage 2017–18 (2017–18 GCMS) wurde der Glaube der Gemeindemitglieder an bestimmte Lehren der Adventisten untersucht. Die teilnehmenden Gemeindemitglieder wurden gebeten, auf diese Aussage zu antworten: „Die Glaubensüberzeugungen der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten sind die Lehren der Heiligen Schrift.“ Weltweit stimmte eine große Mehrheit (94 %) der Befragten dieser Aussage mehr oder weniger zu. Es ist ermutigend zu sehen, dass so viele Adventisten berichten, dass sie sich mit diesen spezifischen Überzeugungen identifizieren, die uns von anderen Konfessionen unterscheiden!

Nur ein kleiner Prozentsatz (4 %) der Befragten gab zu, nicht sicher zu sein, ob die Glaubensüberzeugungen die Lehre der Heiligen Schrift seien, und 2 % stimmten dieser Aussage nicht zu.

When the data was cross-tabulated by Division, respondents from the Euro-Asia Division (ESD) (98%) showed the highest percentage of agreement that the Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs are the teaching of Holy Scripture, followed by the East-Central Africa Division (ECD) (97%), Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) (97%), and West-Central Africa Division (WAD) (97%). Compared with other Divisions, respondents from the Southern Asia Division (SUD) showed the lowest percentage (82%) of agreement with this statement.

Respondents from the North American Division (NAD) were most likely (8%) to disagree to one degree or another that the Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs are the teaching of Holy Scripture, followed by the Southern Asia Division (SUD) (5%). Members from the SUD were most likely to have doubts or questions (13%), followed by members from the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) (9%) and NAD (6%).

Do the Fundamental Beliefs Reflect God’s Character?

The 2017–18 GCMS also asked members around the world to respond to this statement: “The Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs, as a whole, reflect the loving and gracious character of God.” Most (93%) respondents agreed to one degree or another with this statement. A small percentage (5%) was unsure, and 2% disagreed or strongly disagreed. Again, this finding is encouraging!

After the data were cross-tabulated by Division, it became apparent that members in the ESD were most likely (98%) to agree that the Fundamental Beliefs reflect the loving and gracious character of God, followed by the ECD (96%) and WAD (96%). Respondents from the SUD were least likely (78%) to agree with this statement.

Members from the NAD were most likely (6%) to disagree that the Fundamental Beliefs reflect the loving and gracious character of God, followed by respondents from the SUD (5%). Interestingly, about 17% of members from the SUD were not sure, as well as 10% of members from the NAD and SSD.

It is encouraging to see that most Adventists hold fast to the source of the Fundamental Beliefs. In addition, an overwhelming majority believed that Adventist doctrines reflect the loving character of God. However, some work needs to be done in the Divisions where members seem to have doubts, questions, or disagreed with these statements. This is something that will likely need to be addressed at a Division and Conference level, as well as by pastors at local churches.

Created in collaboration with the Institute of Church Ministry

Published by ASTR on 07/12/2023

[1] General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. (2020). 28 Fundamental Beliefs.