Today, we are going to examine the viewing trends of Novo Tempo, the Portuguese version of the Hope Channel, in the South American Division.
Viewing Trends in SAD
The Global Church Member Survey 2017-2018 (GCMS) assessed different viewing trends of Adventist programming in different divisions. In the South American Division (SAD), a quarter (24%) of respondents shared that they watched Novo Tempo on a daily basis; another 19% watched more than once a week while 14% watched almost every week. While this number seems encouraging, over a quarter (27%) never watched Novo Tempo programming. However, Novo Tempo programming was much more frequently watched than the other types of Adventist programming. Only 15% of respondents watched other Adventist programming on a daily basis, while 14% watched it more than once a week. Nearly half (45%) of respondents never watched other Adventist programming.

A 2014 study conducted by Paul Richardson, Petr Činčala, and Monte Sahlin with the Center for Creative Ministry, on behalf of the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, helped learn more about how viewers experienced Novo Tempo. For this study, an email was sent to a mailing list of individuals who had registered with the Novo Tempo through its websites. A total of 14,625 responses was collected.
Most Popular Programming
While the programming on doctrine and evangelism were most popular among Hope Channel viewers, the trends among Novo Tempo viewers were slightly different. Evangelism (75%), Adventist doctrine (72%), Bible history and archaeology (65%), and end times (64%) were the most popular programming on the Hope Channel in Brazil. In each case, less than 10% of viewers indicated that they would likely not watch programming of these types. Similar to the Hope Channel survey responses, children’s programming was less likely to be viewed on Novo Tempo—perhaps because not all those surveyed had children.

To Whom Would You Recommend Novo Tempo?
Many respondents saw the Hope Channel as an outreach opportunity. When asked to whom they would recommend Novo Tempo programming, over half (55%) of viewers indicated that they would do so to friends who were not Seventh-day Adventists. A similar number (54%) shared that they would recommend Novo Tempo programming to family members who were not Seventh-day Adventists. It is exciting to hear that Novo Tempo viewers find the programming compelling enough to share with those outside their faith, no doubt with the goal of sharing the good news of Jesus with those who may not know Him.

Programming Recommended for Fellow Adventists
Novo Tempo viewers reported that they recommended many different kinds of programming to fellow Adventists. Programming on evangelism (58%), doctrine (56%), and the end times (55%) were the types of programming most likely to be recommended. Interestingly, Adventist news is the least likely to be recommended among Adventists; it is unclear why this is.
It is important to note that the findings from the Novo Tempo study were not sorted by responder type (i.e., viewer, church administrators, or media center staff). However, when the findings from the Hope Channel study were examined, it was clear that each type of viewer/survey responder had a different priority (see the previous blog) when it came to the type of programming they would recommend to other Adventists. Thus, it is fair to assume that the same would be true of Novo Tempo viewers, as well.

Programming Recommended for Non-Adventists
Programming recommended for non-Adventists was similar to that recommended for Adventists. Evangelism (59%), doctrine (56%), and the end times (54%) were the most likely types of programming to be recommended to non-Adventist viewers. Similar to Hope Channel viewers, the findings from the Novo Tempo study showed that, overall, viewers were interested in introducing the Church’s teachings and doctrines to their non-Adventists friends. Many of them are interested in the Adventist message, and many are not members of the Adventist Church (see our blog: Declaring His Glory).

Contacting Novo Tempo
A very high percentage of respondents had, at some point, contacted Novo Tempo in Brazil with a type of request or response to the programming; the most common reason they contacted Novo Tempo was to request materials (41%). Only one person in eight indicated never having contacted Novo Tempo. The respondents in this survey constituted a group with which Novo Tempo appears to have had a very high level of contact.

Novo Tempo has a strong foundation of viewers, a group of people who were highly invested in their viewing experience. It is encouraging that this group of viewers was eager to share Novo Tempo programming with their friends and family, specifically those who were not Adventists. In addition, it is clear that other Adventist channels in the SAD could learn from Novo Tempo if they wish to reach a broader audience and have a greater impact on the Kingdom of Heaven.
Research on Novo Tempo was carried out as part of an evaluation of Hope Channel, and the full report remains confidential.
To view the full South American Division GCMS report, click here.
Created in collaboration with the Institute of Church Ministry.
Published by ASTR