About This Website

The Adventist Research website is part of a cluster of sites maintained by the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR). Its purpose is to inform church leaders, pastors, church members, and scholars about important research regarding the ministry, mission, and administration of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.




  • Provide an informed basis for the Church’s global strategic planning.
  • Enhance pastoral ministry to church members.
  • Assist denominational entities and denominationally funded programs in achieving their strategic objectives.
  • Improve the effectiveness of mission to people outside the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • Provide a scientific understanding of current trends, facts, and growth potential to Church leaders.
  • Publish Adventist research findings and reports to support the Church at large.
  • Collaborate with Adventist researchers and institutions globally for effective and efficient Adventist research production and dissemination.

Our Work

In ASTR, we work with research partners around the world, commissioning, funding, supervising and analyzing qualitative and quantitative human-subject research. This research intends to identify and assess significant trends in Adventism and provides information for the World Church’s strategic-planning process. We also evaluate the mission effectiveness of denominational agencies, programs, and ministries, helping to facilitate their continual improvement. In addition, we organize and support conferences for SDA researchers and church leaders.


The Seventh-day Adventist Church has had the culture of conducting historical and biblical research for a long time. However, the practice of global human-subject studies began in 2013 when the General Conference leadership decided to inform strategic plan based on global data. In 2013, the first results of the Global Church Member Survey was produced. From that point on, the Research and Evaluation section of Archives, Statistics, and Research has been conducting General Conference-mandated research studies both globally and internally. This team works closely with the Future Working Plans Group, which oversees the General Conference’s strategic planning.

Our Resources

We would like to share with you research findings via our research blogs and our research newsletter, and also information that has come to ASTR from human-subject (social-science) research conducted by and for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Reports on research projects, presentations, and research papers by ASTR staff members, and the current Strategic Plan with documents relating to it are available on our website.

This website also includes information about the Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association (AHSRA), which is one of our key partners. This Association unites Adventist researchers from around the world and provides access to the digital warehouse of social-science research reports and dissertations produced by Adventist researchers. Please be aware that the digital warehouse access on our page will bring you to a website independent from the General Conference Adventist Research website. AHSRA organizes annual conferences for Adventist researchers. We share such information under the heading: Announcements.

Collaboration Opportunities

If you work at an institution that values research, we are interested in establishing new research partnerships: we have signed memoranda of understanding with several Adventist universities and colleges, and have contracted research teams from literally all around the world to carry out different projects. However, if you do human-subject or social-science research, then we would be pleased to hear from you, regardless of whether you work as part of a team or unilaterally: the key is that you want your research to contribute to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

It’s our hope that you will find the information shared on this site helpful for your ministry in your church or region or be of interest in your own research. For more detailed information regarding the work of the Research and Evaluation team, see this PowerPoint presentation.

Please contact us, if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback at [email protected]

Research & Evaluation Team

In 2011 the department of Research and Evaluation was added to the Office of Archives and Statistics. At that time the General Conference Office was renamed to Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research.

Meet the Research & Evaluation Team

Statement on General Conference Research Priorities

The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (GC) seeks partners to undertake quantitative and qualitative research that will assist the Seventh-day Adventist Church in evaluating and improving its outreach to the world, its ministry to members globally, and its internal administration and operations.

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