Gratitude, Religion, Age, Ethnicity, and Gender
Research Blog
Some studies have shown that people who believe that God is kind and merciful are likely to show higher levels of gratitude than those who view God as harsh and unrelenting. Learn more.
Dealing with Someone Else’s Heartbreak
Research Blog
Jesus’s life and teachings emphasized the importance of compassion for the Christian. In this post, learn about Adventist youth, and their relationship with compassion, and see why compassion is a crucial component to Adventist young people’s faith.
Sharing the ASTR Research Data
We are glad to inform you that ASTR is offering a special opportunity of sharing the General Conference research data with scholars who wish to do more data analysis and interpretation of its completed studies. The raw data can be used for academic publications, master’s theses, or doctoral dissertations. To request the data, the researcher must identify the specific study of interest as published here, note the specific data items within that report, and then send a formal data request to the ASTR Research and Evaluation Manager at [email protected]. The same email address can be used for questions.
Research Findings on Young People
ASTR published two volumes on the beliefs and practices of young people.
Volume 1 is about Adventist adolescents and Volume 2 is about Adventist young adults.
Additional Publications on ASTR Research
Articles on ASTR Research in other publications (e.g. Adventist Review)
Strategic Plan by Quinquennium
The Church's world-wide strategic plan for the next five years.
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