Have you ever heard of Hope Channel? How often do you watch it? What about other Adventist television programming?
Hope Channel launched in 2003 and today is a global network with 70 channels and growing, each creating content in its own local language. According to their website (n.d.), “Hope Channel offers programs on wholistic Christian living and focuses on faith, health, relationships, and community. We believe that true peace is found in Jesus Christ, and our programs communicate these core biblical principles:
- God is love and He has revealed Himself in His Son, Jesus Christ (1 John 4:16; John 14:9).
- Jesus is the divine Son of God, and not a created being, but the eternal God (John 1:1).
- Jesus came to this earth to live a perfect life and give His life on the cross to redeem us from our sin (Rom. 5:6–10).
- When Jesus comes into our lives, He makes us new creatures (2 Cor. 5:17; Heb. 8:10; John 14:15).
- Bible prophecy reveals that the end of this world is imminent, and Jesus will return soon (Rev. 22:12).
- Our mission is to help people prepare to live for Jesus in this world and be prepared for His soon return (Rev. 22:17).
In addition to Hope Channel, there are other Adventist TV broadcasts available to watch around the world. All of these can be used as a tool to aid in spiritual growth, learn more about biblical topics, and, ultimately, draw closer to our Heavenly Father.
Hope Channel Programming
Participants in the 2017–2018 Global Church Member Survey (GCMS 2017–18) were asked how often they/their families watch Hope Channel programming. A quarter (26%) of the respondents reported that they watch Hope Channel programming more than once a week. Another 12% reported they watch it about once a week. However, two in five (43%) survey participants never watch Hope Channel programming.

When the data was examined by Division, members in the South American Division reported the highest levels of daily viewing of Hope Channel Programming, with 24% sharing that they watched daily or more often. The responses on watching more than once a week also skyrocketed in this Division to 43%. It was followed by the Southern Asia Division with 38% watching the Hope Channel weekly. The lowest responses on daily and weekly watching of Hope Channel programming were from the Trans-European, Northern Asia-Pacific, and North American Divisions.

Respondents from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division and the Inter-American Division reported the most respondents who never watched Hope Channel (67% each). Further research is needed to determine if culture, language, access to technology or other factor(s) influence viewers’ watching habits, as the GCMS 2017–18 data does not reveal that information.
Other Adventist Programming
When GCMS 2017–18 survey participants were asked how often they watch other Adventist television channels or programming, the numbers were even lower. Less than a quarter (22%) reported doing so more than once a week or more often. Another one in ten (11%) shared that they watched Adventist programming about once a week. Half (49%) of the respondents admitted they never watched Adventist television channels or programming.

When the data was examined by Division, respondents from the Southern Asia Division (18%) and South American Division (15%) reported the most frequent daily viewing of other Adventist programming. The same Divisions showed the highest rates of weekly watching of such programs, with more than half (56%) of the respondents being from the Southern Asia Division. In contrast, only 9% of church members from the Trans-European and Northern Asia-Pacific Divisions watched other Adventist programming weekly. Again, further research is needed to determine factors that might influence viewers’ watching habits.

It should be noted that respondents were not asked how often they watch television programs overall (specifically secular programming). However, it is apparent that Hope Channel and other Adventist television channels are being underutilized by Adventists, as a whole. Further research is likely necessary to determine why Adventists are not using this tool to enhance their spiritual lives and whether the Hope Channel team should increase its advertisement among church members in different Divisions.
To learn more about Hope Channel North America, visit: https://www.hopetv.org
If you are curious about other research findings regarding Hope Channel viewing trends or its branches, please explore these previously published blogs: